Self-portrait – Overland Track Hut – Tasmania, 2009
I suppose this is the place to write an erudite statement of my artistic intentions and photographic philosophy. I’ve given it some thought, but I’d prefer to steal something from another photographer and writer.
In his book Beauty in Photography, American photographer Robert Adams says we do it to affirm meaning and “keep intact an affection for life”. This makes sense to me. For most of my adult life I have carried a camera to help store memories, interpret the world around me and attempt to create that elusive thing called Art. The selection of photographs here reflect my affections for live music, my Sydney hometown, the Australian landscape and the revelations of international travel.
I retain a passion for traditional black and white film photography and enjoy the processes involved in developing film and creating silver gelatin prints in my darkroom. Please click on the galleries to the right to understand a bit more about my affections and the satisfaction they bring to my life.